Photography Class Prices

Shown below is the the price table of individual photography classes along special photography workshop package coupons that reward you for taking more than one course at a time. To help you figure out which classes you should take, see Mike’s Photography Class Suggestions.

THE CORE (4-Class Package)$496 (You save $200)
Art of Landscape Photography$225
Complete Exposure$249
Digital Photo Basics$149
Get to Know Your Camera$149
Light & The Landscape$225
Make Great Pictures, Now!$149
Photo Feedback$49
Learning Adventure - Chicago Winter Quest$149
Learning Adventure - Starved Rock Spring$169
Learning Adventure - Chicago Area Spring Wildflowers$149
Learning Adventure - Summer Prairie$149
Learning Adventure - Starved Rock Fall Color$169
Private LessonsClick for Prices
* Textbook and software not included.